Make sure your breasts are healthy and bring your effort to cancer research
A couple of minutes You give now can make a major impact in the future. With the help of a short test learn about your personal breast cancer risk factors. Your answers will also help future breast cancer research!

Make sure your breasts are healthy and bring your effort to cancer research
A couple of minutes You give now can make a major impact in the future. With the help of a short test learn about your personal breast cancer risk factors. Your answers will also help future breast cancer research!
Being the most common cancer among women in Latvia, breast cancer hits hard, affecting one in eight women aged 20 to 80. 1

The most efficient way to fight breast cancer is to detect it early or stop it from developing at all, by minimizing your risk factors. 2 On this page, you can find the test, which allows You to evaluate your risks and lessen them and learn how to perform a self-examination and recognize the early symptoms of breast cancer.
How will this test impact the quality of life for You and the society?
The test will help You take control over your health
  • By completing our short and simple survey, You will receive personalized, evidence-based information about the factors affecting your risk of breast cancer, and learn how to fight those.
  • While signing in to the platform your data will be saved within your user profile. later if You decide to take the test again, You can compare the results.
By completing the test You are helping not only yourself but the community as well
  • After completing the test not only You will gain more knowledge about your body, but You will also make an important contribution to the health of the community, to understand this disease better.
  • After sharing your experience, You can be sure that the information You have provided is encoded and the data will be effectively used to study the disease.
Start your health journey today!
Our test is:
No medical knowledge needed to answer the questions.
Takes less than 5 minutes!
Risk calculation is based on more than 150 scientific articles.
All of the data is anonymous.
You will get personalized results instantly, free of charge!
The guide for self-examination is included.
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Important facts
Did you know?
Up to 98% higher chance for successful treatment, if detected early
While just the thought of cancer might be scary for You, overcoming your fears and taking care early, will give you a chance to prevent disease before it even starts. Recognizing the risks and taking action immediately might also help to diagnose the disease at an early stage when the chance of successful treatment is as high as 98 %. 3
Self-examination is important at any age
While the national screening program includes only the women after the age of 50, regular check-ups are necessary for women of any age.
No one knows your body better than You! Being attentive to your breasts regularly will help You make sure your breasts are healthy and find out if You have any changes, which should be discussed with your doctor. 4
Genetic information will help You understand your risks more precisely
Genetic information will help You understand your risks more precisely. Genes are the information encoded inside of You. It tells a lot about your health and gives doctors the ability to create a personalized treatment for patients. The knowledge about your genes would also help your closest relatives - kids, parents or sisters, as a lot of genes between you are shared. 5 uses cookies that store information about your visits to the website. The data is anonymous, and helps us to improve the quality of the website and the services we provide. Please accept the use of cookies on the website. Read more about privacy policy.